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Digital transformation is upon us. At Cobo Academy, our mission is to empower everyone to become future ready through exposure to coding, robotics, AI and more!
Founded in 2018, Cobo Academy is an official Microsoft in Education & Minecraft Global Training Partner. We are a fun and dynamic team of tech leaders, entrepreneurs, educators and parents who share the same passion and vision for the future of technology and education. With the goal of developing your child's ability to solve real-world problems, our curriculum is continuously evolving to stay on the forefront of technology and is trusted by the most elite local and international schools in Hong Kong.
Designed to augment formal education, our certificate regular term courses, holiday camps and corporate workshops are tailored to give tech enthusiasts a head start into the future. FUN is guaranteed!
Levina Li-Cadman
Co-Founder of
Yana Chung
Co-Chair, Annual Fund at
Coding, robotics, AI and more! Comprehensive programs for every kid aged 4+.
Day camps designed to make holidays fun and exciting! Then dive deep through our regular term courses.
Experience our passion at our flagship campus in Wan Chai and be inspired by tech leaders & entrepreneurs!
Team-building & coding activities tailored to transform digital mindset for Corporates.
Empower everyone to become future ready through exposure to coding, robotics, AI and more!
Self-driving cars, Siri and AlphaGo are just a few examples of how AI and Machine Learning is transforming our lives. Software and robots are increasingly more capable of handling tasks previously carried out by humans, and this is just the beginning! To many, technology presents a huge challenge to the human race; to us at Cobo Academy, we see unprecedented opportunities for our next generation to thrive.
As parents, we understand the importance of learning English and Mandarin at an early age. In the digital economy where every company is a software company, coding is the new language of technology every child should master. Whether or not your child aspires to be an engineer, early exposure to coding develops their logical problem-solving skills, unleashes their creativity, and empowers them to freely express themselves.
“In 15 years we'll be teaching programming just like reading and writing... and wondering why we didn't do it sooner." Mark Zuckerberg, CEO & Founder of Facebook
Cobo Academy is about coding & robotics. Our innovative curriculum is designed to augment formal education and is the collective brainchild of experienced coders, educators – many of whom happen to be parents!
By embracing problem-based and project-based learning, we develop timeless core skills for present and future: Digital Literacy, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Creativity and Collaboration.
Your child is unique! Using small class (typically between 4:1 to 8:1) teaching, student learning is optimized to their needs and their pace. We also offer private 1:1 sessions with personalized planning to align with individual development goals.
Whether it's face-to-face or online, every session is FUN and interactive, encouraging our students to freely express themselves and unleash their inner curiosity.
Come experience our passion and be inspired by tech leaders & entrepreneurs!
Customized ECAs for schools from lower primary to high school.
Build your first App in 5 days! Then dive deep through our regular coding courses.
Coding, robotics, AI, and more! Full curricula for every kid aged 5+.
We are a dynamic team of veterans in tech and education who share the same passion and vision for the future of technology. We wake up every morning thinking about how we can transform education to cultivate future creators.
Shirley Wong
Centre & Corporate Lead
Harsh Sethi aka Mr. Hash Brown
Senior STEM Instructor & Content Development Lead
Joe Man
Senior STEM Instructor & Talent Development Lead
Yuuki Munagamage
STEM Instructor & Content Developer
Harman Singh
STEM Instructor & Content Developer
Zunair Khan aka Mr Z.
STEM Instructor & Content Developer
From Pre-schoolers to High Schoolers, from beginners to geeks, we have you covered! Our Regular Term Programs are designed to augment your child's school education and will never stop evolving to stay ahead of the latest trends!
Fun Tidbit: Our program names - Intern, Junior, Senior, Principal and Fellow are inspired by the engineer ranks used by elite technology companies such as Google and Microsoft.
The term Special Needs is a short form of Special Education Needs and is a way to refer to students with disabilities. The term Special Needs in the education setting comes into play whenever a child's education program is officially altered from what would normally be provided.
More narrowly, it is a legal term applying in foster care in the United States, derived from the language in the Adoption and Safe Families Act. It is a diagnosis used to classify children as needing "more" services than those children without special needs who are in foster care.
In the United States, special needs is a term used in clinical diagnostic and functional development to describe individuals who require assistance for disabilities that may be medical, or psychological. For instance, the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.