Level 1: HTML, CSS

Regular Fellow Web

Want to build amazing website visuals? Embark on a journey where websites represent your ideas and design thinking plays an important role. From basic website structures to simple animations, we will guide your child to develop their own stunning online pages.

Difficulty: Level 1 - Basic

Key Takeaways:
- Use HTML and CSS to explore the basics of websites structures, content and styling
- Use their basic understanding of websites to create their own portfolio
- Understand website publishing basics, and how to manage a live website

What To Bring:
- Laptop (PC/Mac) + charger

Course Structure

Spring term has 2 half terms:
- Half-term A: Jan - Feb (7 lessons, 10.5 hrs, HK$5,460)
- Half-term B: Mar - May (7 lessons, 10.5 hrs, HK$5,460)

Each weekly lesson is 1.5 hours is packed with activities, theories, practical exercises and FUN!

Regular course calendar can be found here.

Medium of Instruction: English


How big is class size?
Typically between 4-8 students.

Do I receive feedback from instructor?
Feedback from instructor is available upon request.

What if I can't find something that fits my child's schedule?
Feel free to contact us at 3905 1111 or hi@coboacademy.com to schedule a private group or individual session.

What are the payment options?
Payments can be made by online/ATM bank transfer, by FPS at pay@coboacademy.com or by cash/cheque at our Wan Chai Campus. Details can be found in our enrollment acknowledgement email.

What are the cancellation and withdrawal policies?
Please refer to our Terms & Privacy for details.


Spring term has 2 half terms:

- Half-term A: Jan - Feb
(7 lessons, 10.5 hrs, HK$5,460)

- Half-term B: Mar - May
(7 lessons, 10.5 hrs, HK$5,460)

Weekday Sessions:
> 3:15pm - 4:45pm
> 5:00pm - 6:30pm

Saturday Sessions:
> 9:30am - 11:00am
> 11:15am - 12:45pm
> 2:00pm - 3:30pm
> 4:00pm - 5:30pm

See Term Calendar for lesson dates.

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