Level 2: AI Fundamentals
Regular Junior Game Development

Join this course to create cool stories, games and animations that help your child hone their algorithmic and sequential thinking, while they understand and apply fundamental programming concepts like loops, conditions and variables - all through a block-based programming interface, as they practice their typing skills & computational awareness.
What's more? From hearing & translating text/speech (Speech & Optical Character Recognition) to using computer vision to identify objects, emotions & brands to even detecting whether you're wearing a mask through the camera, students get to explore artificial intelligence, training data and how machines use information to learn & predict results on their own!
Key Takeaways:
What to bring:
- Explore aspects of Computer Vision, Speech/Characters & Face/Body recognition through fun, practical examples & projects!
- Understand how Machine Learning is similar to human learning (practice makes perfect) & how it works.
- Make ML models using images in Teachable Machine (creating training data & training the model)
- Laptop (PC/Mac) + charger
Course Structure
Spring term has 2 half terms:
- Half-term A: Jan - Feb (7 lessons, 10.5 hrs, HK$5,460)
- Half-term B: Mar - May (7 lessons, 10.5 hrs, HK$5,460)
Each weekly lesson is 1.5 hours is packed with activities, theories, practical exercises and FUN!
Regular course calendar can be found here.
Medium of Instruction: English
How big is class size?
Typically between 4-8 students.
Do I receive feedback from instructor?
Feedback from instructor is available upon request.
What if I can't find something that fits my child's schedule?
Feel free to contact us at 3905 1111 or hi@coboacademy.com to schedule a private group or individual session.
What are the payment options?
Payments can be made by online/ATM bank transfer, by FPS at pay@coboacademy.com or by cash/cheque at our Wan Chai Campus. Details can be found in our enrollment acknowledgement email.
What are the cancellation and withdrawal policies?
Please refer to our Terms & Privacy for details.
Spring term has 2 half terms: - Half-term A: Jan - Feb (7 lessons, 10.5 hrs, HK$5,460) - Half-term B: Mar - May (7 lessons, 10.5 hrs, HK$5,460) Weekday Sessions: > 3:15pm - 4:45pm > 5:00pm - 6:30pm Saturday Sessions: > 9:30am - 11:00am > 11:15am - 12:45pm > 2:00pm - 3:30pm > 4:00pm - 5:30pm See Term Calendar for lesson dates. |